take it easy and check availability online from anyplace in the world

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We are proud to offer an Online Availability Calendar for B&B's, Small Inns or Property Managers. Priced at an affordable $50.00 / year. Customized to match your existing site.

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Along with our online availability calendars, we also offer an online Guestbook. Our Guestbook is advertiser free and customized to match your existing site.

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  Welcome To Powell-graphics.com

Fun and easy to check availability calendar
Our Guestbook is easy enough for a child to use

At Powell-graphics.com, we are a full service web design and revision company. Specializing in Vacation Rental web design we have clients across the country. If you have an existing web page and want some changes but can not find the original person that created your web site, we can help.
If you are looking for a new web design we can provide professional quality designs for you. Weather a vacation rental, B&B, small Inn, industrial or commercial we can fit the build. We like to listen and fully understand the needs and wants of our customers.

Take a look at our availability calendar and guestbook products for a total informative web site. The Calendar and guestbook are available as standalone items.

  B&B Availability Calendar

   Our on-line reservation calendar is easy to use and inexpensive for small B&Bs. Internet visitors can instantly check online availability. It is easy for the Innkeeper to setup and maintain. It has an owner message area, reserved dates, pending reservations, blocked months for seasonal operations and can be customized to match your existing site. Show all rooms on one display screen. The calendar features the following: Two colors to show reserved and pending dates, Message area, Room names link to your web page, Universal application. B&B Association Calendar has the ability to allow individual login and edit of single properties.

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